Episode 22

EP022: Special Guest Emily Gearing Rest Easy Training

This week, Liz and Keds talk to Emily Gearing founder and owner of The Rest Easy Method and Rest Easy Training.

Rest Easy Training is a simple, effective, affordable mental health programme for schools, families & businesses. As a self-help strategy, it has been designed to prevent mental illness in 6-25-year-olds. Using the acronym REST EASY children, staff, parents & carers are taught how they can Recognise Emotions, Stop Think, Engage Awareness & Support Yourself.  

The Rest Easy Method is supported by NHS Innovations Agency & validated by the University of Chester. The approach meets all the DfE principles & SEL recommendations.

Rest Easy was created by Emily Gearing who is a life coach, wellbeing educator & Youth Mental Health First Aider. She's passionate about preventing mental illness in children & young people as she suffered with social anxiety & body dysmorphic disorder from the age of 10. After a mental health diagnosis at 25, she began a journey of self-discovery & recovery leading her to train become a life coach & mindfulness practitioner in 2016. Having taught mindfulness in workshops & schools she created the Rest Easy Method as a whole school approach in 2018 & has been delivering it ever since.

Emily attended a Happy Heads event in Croyden in 2019 after being invited by their co-director Sandeep who she met after attending the Mental Health Debate at the House of Commons. Sandeep helped Emily compile a proposal for Parliament Street Think Tank that featured the Rest Easy Method as a suggested initiative for schools. She has since teamed up with Happy Heads to offer a wellbeing workshop for teens & parents alongside co-director Ruth.  

The workshop combines Ruth's recovery tool known as the Balance Ball & the Rest Easy Method to offer an informative, interactive workshop. The aim of the workshop is to empower & encourage young people to fulfil their potential, grow in self-awareness & manage emotions in a calm way.  

The event is on 27th March via Zoom from 11-2pm. £12 per family. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite.

Emily's team of Rest Easy Coaches also offer parent & carer workshops each month. Check out their Facebook page for forthcoming events.

We also talked about Hygge with Emily, so you can find her Hygge for mental health Facebook page here and also Hug a Home is the website Liz found that offers natural and sustainable homeware to help you make your house a safe, cosy and comfortable place to live. #NotSpon

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Happiness Hub
The Happiness Hub
How to be happy, get happy and stay happy with chat and laughter from Kedren Elliott and Liz Parkin

About your hosts

Profile picture for Liz Parkin

Liz Parkin

I'm Liz, Kedren's podcasting side-kick, close friend and gin-buddy for over 10 years.

My mental health challenges started in my early teens and continued through a rather traumatic year in 2004.

It was at this point that I discovered Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which quite literally changed my life - or maybe my perception on life...

In this podcast I will share with you some of the tips and techniques that I learned whilst training for my NLP Practitioner and then Master Practitioner over 14 years ago. NLP got me through some very dark times and given me a bag of mindset tools and strategies to help me keep my mental health, well... healthy!
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Nantwich Buddies

Nantwich Buddies is a volunteer organisation set up at the start of the pandemic in March 2020. Formerly known as RedShift Radio, the online community radio station and podcast network closed during lockdown and Buddies ramped up their support of the community. Helping with shopping, befriending and supporting the mental health of Nantwich residents.
The podcasting continues as Nantwich Buddies and podcasters are welcome to join our network as long as they meet the criteria: Engaging, Uplifting or Inspiring and support the wellbeing or learning of our community.